BUG DESCRIPTION:----------------Open Xcos & Palette,in the Scilab console, start a long loop, such as ' for(i=1:10000000) a=0; end 'During the loop, successively drag any blocks into a diagram. After a few blocks dragged, Xcos displays an error "Unable to load block from library ...", and the Scilab console displays a "Stack problem detected within a loop." error.Bug first reported by user in the mailing list: ERROR LOG:----------HOW TO REPRODUCE THE BUG:-------------------------OTHER INFORMATION:------------------
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Thanks for the report but can you clarify the expected result ?
As of Scilab 5.4.0, the blocks are no more loaded as SOD but instanciated (o = MY_BLOCK("define")) through the Scilab interpreter. Is it ok to disable the drag action while Scilab is busy ?
Thanks for the report but can you clarify the expected result ?
As of Scilab 5.4.0, the blocks are no more loaded as SOD but instanciated (o = MY_BLOCK("define")) through the Scilab interpreter. Is it ok to
disable the drag action while Scilab is busy ?
Sounds like a safe idea to me (message like "Please wait for Scilab to complete task").
How about diagram opening while Scilab is busy ? Can it potentially generate the error too ? I did not manage to make it happen.
When starting the long scilab loop as described in this bug, I remark that pressing the start simulation button in the same time leads to the same crash.