Error while executing the toolbox_skeleton builder.sce
Reported by Clement DAVID (ERROR LOG:
Building gateway...
Generate a gateway file
Generate a loader file
Generate a Makefile
Running the makefile
Compilation of sci_cerror.c
Compilation of sci_csub.c
Compilation of sci_csum.c
Compilation of sci_foo.c
Compilation of sci_multiplybypi.c
Compilation of skeleton_c.cpp
Compilation of skeleton_c.h
Compilation of skeleton_c.hxx
Building shared library (be patient)
Generate a cleaner file
Generate a gateway file
Generate a loader file
Generate a Makefile
Running the makefile
Compilation of sci_fsum.c
Compilation of skeleton_fortran.cpp
Compilation of skeleton_fortran.h
Compilation of skeleton_fortran.hxx
Building shared library (be patient)
Generate a cleaner file
Generate a gateway file
Generate a loader file
Generate a Makefile
Running the makefile
Compilation of sci_cpp_find.cxx
Compilation of sci_cpperror.cpp
Compilation of sci_cppfoo.cpp
Compilation of sci_cppmultiplybypi.cpp
Compilation of sci_cppsub.cpp
Compilation of sci_cppsum.cpp
Compilation of skeleton_cpp.cpp
Compilation of skeleton_cpp.h
Compilation of skeleton_cpp.hxx
Building shared library (be patient)
!------------- Compile file sci_cpperror.cpp -----------
--- !
! IF NOT EXIST Release mkdir
Release !
!D:\Scilab\scilab-6.0.0-beta-32\modules\ast\includes\types\internal.hxx(227) : error C2143: syntax
!r : missing ',' before
'...' !
!D:\Scilab\scilab-6.0.0-beta-32\modules\ast\includes\types\internal.hxx(228) : error C2061: syntax
!r : identifier
'A' !
!D:\Scilab\scilab-6.0.0-beta-32\modules\ast\includes\types\double.hxx(265) : error C2780: 'T
!ternalType::checkRef(T *,F)' : expects 2 arguments - 4
provided !
! d:\scilab\scilab-6.0.0-beta-32\modules\ast\includes\types\internal.hxx(228) : see
declaration !
!D:\Scilab\scilab-6.0.0-beta-32\modules\ast\includes\types\double.hxx(288) : error C2780: 'T
!ternalType::checkRef(T *,F)' : expects 2 arguments - 3
provided !
! d:\scilab\scilab-6.0.0-beta-32\modules\ast\includes\types\internal.hxx(228) : see
declaration !
!D:\Scilab\scilab-6.0.0-beta-32\modules\ast\includes\types\double.hxx(310) : error C2780: 'T
!ternalType::checkRef(T *,F)' : expects 2 arguments - 3
provided !
! d:\scilab\scilab-6.0.0-beta-32\modules\ast\includes\types\internal.hxx(228) : see
declaration !
try to compile toolbox_skeleton from the binary version.
In general:
1. Windows 10 Pro 64 bits
2. Scilab 6 Beta 1 32 bits
3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express
4. Same configuration works perfectly on Scilab 5.5.2 (both 32 and 64 bits) on the compilation of toolbox_skeleton.
The output of ver:
--> ver
ans =
!Scilab Version: !
! !
!Operating System: Windows 8 6.2 !
! !
!Java version: 1.8.0_40 !
! !
!Java runtime information: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_40-b26) !
! !
!Java Virtual Machine information: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.40-b25, mixed mode) !
! !
!Vendor specification: Oracle Corporation
Output of getdebuginfo()
--> [dynamic_info, static_info] = getdebuginfo()
static_info =
!Version: scilab-6.0.0-beta-1 !
! !
!Compilation date: Feb 10 2016 !
! !
!Compilation time: 13:28:04 !
! !
!Compiler Architecture: x86 !
! !
!Compiled with Microsoft compiler (180040629) !
! !
!BLAS library optimized version: MKL !
! !
!XML version: 2.9.1 !
! !
!Tcl/Tk: Enable !
! !
!TCL version: 8.5.9 !
! !
!TK version: 8.5.9 !
! !
!Path separator: ; !
! !
!Directory separator: \ !
! !
!PCRE Version: 8.21 !
dynamic_info =
!Memory in use: 27 % !
! !
!Total Physical Memory (Kbytes): 8181612 !
! !
!Free Physical Memory (Kbytes): 5970236 !
! !
!Total Paging File (Kbytes): 9492332 !
! !
!Free Paging File (Kbytes): 6731004 !
! !
!Total Virtual Memory (Kbytes): 2097024 !
! !
!Free Virtual Memory (Kbytes): 961684 !
! !
!Free Extended Memory (Kbytes): 0 !
! !
!Operating System: Windows 8 x64 !
! !
!Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 560 @ 2.67GHz !
! !
!Number of processors: 4 !
! !
!Number of Video cards: 1 !
! !
!Video card #0: Intel(R) HD Graphics !
! !
!Primary Video card driver version: 15.201.1151.1010 !
! !
!Screen size: 1366 x 768 32 bits !
! !
!Number of Monitors: 1 !
! !
!Path: D:/Scilab/scilab-6.0.0-beta-32/bin;D:\Scilab\scilab-5.5.2-32\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\GoldMine!
!Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technolog!
!ies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\Program!
! Files (x86)\AMD\ATI.ACE\Core-Static !
! !
!ComSpec: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe !
! !
!TMP : C:\Users\chinluh\AppData\Local\Temp !
! !
!TEMP: C:\Users\chinluh\AppData\Local\Temp