-- Bug description --With uicontrol() tt's not possible to use callbacks with more than one Lhs argument.-- Scilab error message ---->uicontrol(h,'callback','[txt,val]=testf(''myString'',37)') !--error 999Tcl Error invalid command name "txt,val"at line 34 of function uicontrol called by :uicontrol(h,'callback','[txt,val]=testf(''myString'',37)')-- How to reproduce the bug --//Define function:deff('[out1, out2]=testf(in1, in2)',['out1 = in1'; 'out2 = in2'; 'disp(''Function TestF'')']);//Create figure with pushbutton:h=figure(1);//The next line causes the descripted erroruicontrol(h,'callback','[txt,val]=testf(''myString'',37)');// while this line works:uicontrol(h,'callback','txt=testf(''myString'',37)');// After pressing the pushbutton txt is defined:// Output of pushbutton:// Function TestF// check variable txt:txt// Scilab Output:// txt =//// myString//-->
Enrico's solution is working, but addin some spaces as with "'\[ txt, val \]
=" has the same effect as Francois' proposal: pressing the button does not
trigger the function run.