BUG DESCRIPTION:----------------If an axis is a children of frame instead of a direct children of the figure, the GUI zoom (and the underlying zoom_rect function) are not working properly.ERROR LOG:----------None, but one cannot zoom on the axis using the zoom icon or the zoom_rect function. Scroll-wheel zooming still works.HOW TO REPRODUCE THE BUG:-------------------------// Two axes in one figure:// left one is inside a frame// right one is directly attached to the figure// GUI zoom and zoom_rect don't work on the left ploth=scf();h.axes_size=[800,600];a_right=newaxes(h);a_right.axes_bounds(3)=0.5;a_right.axes_bounds(1)=0.5;plot2d()a_right.title.text="GUI zoom & zoom_rect work here";frame_left = uicontrol(h, ... "style", "frame", ... "backgroundcolor", [1 0 1], ... "Position", [0,0,400,600]);a_left=newaxes(frame_left);plot2d();a_left.title.text="GUI zoom & zoom_rect DO NOT work here";OTHER INFORMATION:------------------
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